16 Days Later

My window flung open,
an invitation soft as zephyrs traded
between deserted skyscrapers.

It’s somewhere to go.
Open arms for a touch-starved
soul. Longing unquenched by
hesitant “welcome homes”

and quick scurries when
you step foot into the same room.
Fleeting stares
at what you’ve touched and

the faint remark of bleach
on all your surfaces.
My skin, which peels
and chafes from every wash,
which remembers not the warmth
of loved beings, of
smiles that do not twitch,
of eyes that do not fray.
Long had it memorised

goosebumps from leaning
on shower tiles, collecting
the merchandise of sore eyes
and triple eyelids,
temporary scars of a long night

gazing at that step, dreaming
of clutching onto a bird
and never letting go.

Evianne Suen

Evianne is a to-be graduate who won't stop writing about whatever's on the news, Hong Kong, or how her BA certificate will be a .pdf.


Finally, a Time for Everything!

