A Lost Head
Come in, please excuse the mess - my head fell off
earlier this week and it’s very difficult to tidy without one.
Here sit down - cup of tea? Biscuit? You’ll have to boil
the kettle yourself, I’m under strict orders from the GP
to avoid electrical appliances until we can reattach aforementioned head.
Absolute nightmare.
How is Chris dealing with all of this? I’m sorry
you’ll have to speak up - my ears are somewhere in the other room.
What a palaver!
Gosh you’ve really caught me at a bad time.
‘wash ur hands’ by Willa Hilditch, an artist living in Hereford, England
They offered me a temporary one you know -
I had no idea they could even do that, did you?
I tried it for a bit - couldn’t get used to it and
the neck didn’t fit right.
Sent it straight back haha!
Oh, you have to go?
Well let’s catch up in 6-8 weeks it should be
back on by then. They say it will feel heavier
after so long without one but it will look the same,
thank God!
Ok bye, bye then!
Oh, and if you bump into Susan would you mind
not mentioning the “situation” as it were?
I’ve told her I’m holidaying in St Ives - easier don’t you think?
Right yes, goodbye, bye darling,