For those who were left before the Quiet

It was late. 

I asked you to come in from the rain and into the warm

I could see the soles of your shoes were wet

but you wouldn’t. 

Dinner was ready, the fire was lit

my open arms beckoning you in

but you wouldn’t. 

Fearing your heart as iron as your will

I watched from the window as you dug a mine in the front yard.

Our flowers ripped from root to crown

all victims of your anger at a world you couldn’t control.

Just give me time. 

So I did. 

Weeks you stayed submerged

in the darkness alone

with the sole intention of eradicating me.

With time you succeeded

and it was an ending painfully won.

I was still waiting where you had left me

toes folded over the ledge of a front door now rotting on it’s hinges

our garden now a sepulchre 

for the world we had created together. 

I choose to believe you never heard me call your name

for you never looked back. 

I’ll never forget that. 

Before reality could strike

news did.

Chyrons warning of a pandemic 

and I had no more time to borrow. 

I wasn’t ready to welcome a second Quiet.

So, in this new found isolation, I sit by the window

missing the strangers I used to smile at on the street. 

I dream of everything but you

finding peace only in the feel of the packed suitcase that rests at my feet. 

When the trumpets sound I’ll be off to build a new home. 

Until then, I wait, as I did before

but the hope I saved for you takes a different form…

One day

I can see us there

standing in the auction house

our memories going to the highest bidder. 

I’ll turn to you and kindly say

it’s ok, my love

you are welcome to them all.


Lovers at a Distance by Leon Scott-Engel

Alex Reynolds

Alex is an Actress/ Writer living in London.


Le Grande Vide


How to Survive in Quarantine